Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Borderlands 2

Gamers you might me wondering why I am making a post about Borderlands 2 when it was released like a year ago. The reason is because I just got it. It is so fun also with the new DLCs available to use and play with. Like the new missions like Tiny Tina's DLC mission, or the new Krieg the Physcio pack where you play as a strait up Borderlands 2 physcio. Krieg is a better character to play as with more fun and powerful melee attacks and special abilities. Yesterday I bought some new DLCs for Borderlands 2. I got a clothing DLC for the commando and the Gunggenser (I think that is how to spell it). They were awesome to put on. Then I got the ultimate vault hunter pack to bring my level up to level 61. But I would not need it I am still level 17 commando trying to level up and take down a strong mutant. Borderlands 2 is the epic sequel to the ultimate four-player role-playing shooter loot fest. Combining invention and evolution, Borderlands 2 features all-new characters, mixed online/split-screen co-op, skills, environments, enemies, weapons and equipment, which come together in an ambitiously crafted story. Players will reveal secrets, and escalate mysteries of the Borderlands universe as they adventure across the unexplored new areas of Pandora.

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