Monday, July 1, 2013

Little Big Planet 2

LBP2 is a great game with so much fun  and the base knowledge of the game is imagination. LittleBigPlanet 2 empowers users to create their own levels by utilizing a variety of developer tools as well as various games like top-down racing games, multiplayer shooters, flying side-scrollers, RPGs and more. The game begins with a unique story mode that provides a beautifully reshaped world for Sackboy to explore and play. Each story level is influenced by cultural high points in history.  Players can reset the controller buttons for any object and change the rules to any level through an ability called Direct Control and multiplayer abilities advance the types of games possible for a social/competitive experience. Users are able to link levels together to provide longer gameplay experiences without the breakup of going back to the Pod and can see what LittleBigPlanet 2 levels/games their friends are playing via activity steams. Let's get it out of the way early -- LittleBigPlanet 2 is awesome. The levels are clever, a bunch of new additions change platforming for the better, and the community tools are smarter than ever. This game is a fantastic way to kick off a 2011 packed with PlayStation 3 exclusives. Still, the game has some nagging issues that won't be unfamiliar to folks who rocked the first game. Does it ruin the experience? Not at all. LittleBigPlanet 2 packs 30 story levels that tell the tale of the Negativitron, a horrible beast that has invaded Craftworld and is gobbling up all the cities on the planet. You're Sackboy, and you've got to travel to spots on the globe to run, jump, shoot, grab and fly on your way to saving the day. The story is cute like a children's storybook, but it's not all that engaging. Luckily, the levels are exciting and the gameplay's a blast.


Konami Code

Play "Set the Controls for the Heart of the Negativatron" look for the broken arcade machine with a Sackbot repairing it. Approach the machine and activate it, then input the Konami Code: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, X, CIRCLE. The resulting explosion will show the digits 3733 5683, which apparently spells "Free Love" on a phone key pad

Achievement / Trophy Hint: Easy "Aces In Spades" Trophy

To get this Trophy you need to Ace 10 different story levels in a row. To make this easy, play the very first story level in the game and Ace the level. Return to your Pod and press START to bring up the Pause Menu, from here select Settings. Once in Settings, open the tab that says profile and choose the Back up Profile and back up your game data. Return to the Story Mode and choose a different level that you know you can Ace. Once you have Aced this level back up your game save again. Continue doing this until you have aced 10 levels in a row, if you die during a level return to where you backed up your profile and choose the 'Import Profile' option and you will be back to your Aced level maximum before you died

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